The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Scholarly Writing & Publishing, ASSAf, 2023
AI in Africa’s Context, Pan-Africon AI Conference, 2022 (slides)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the age of Machine Learning, Brazilian Centre for Artificial Intelligence, 2022 (slides)
What will AI mean for Africa?, Panel Discussion, Effective Altruism UCT, 2021
Knowledge Representation (in the age of Machine Learning), UCT Logics for AI MSc course, 2021 (slides)
The Interdisciplinary Value of Formal Logic, International World Logic Day, 2021 (slides)
Knowledge Representation (in the age of Machine Learning), UCT School of Information Technology, 2020 (slides)
What is AI Really, or What is Really AI?, University of the Western Cape 2019 (slides)
What is Artificial Intelligence Really, or What is Really Artificial Intelligence?, SAAO, 2019 (slides)
Does Artificial Intelligence
Pose a Threat to Society?, Effective Altruism UCT, 2021 (slides)
What Should The Rest of AI Make Of
Deep Learning?, FAIR (now SACAIR) 2018 (slides)
What is Knowledge Representation and Reasoning? ICTAC 2018 (slides)
AI for Africa: The State of Artificial Intelligence in Africa, African Union High Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET), 2017 (slides)
Defeasible Reasoning for Ontologies, UCT Computer Science Seminar, 2016 (slides)
Ontologies, Semantic Technologies, and High Performance Computing, Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC), 2016 (slides)
Preferential Semantics as the Basis for Defeasible Reasoning in Ontologies, Formal Ontologies for Artificial Intelligence (FOfAI), 2015 (slides)
Preferential Semantics as the Basis for Defeasible Reasoning in Ontologies, International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe), 2015 (slides)
Preferential Semantics as the Basis for Defeasible Reasoning in Ontologies, Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV), 2015
Computer Science Grand Challenges: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective, University of Wollongong, 2012 (slides)
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