Postgraduate Supervision
Current Postgraduate Supervision | Past Postgraduate Supervision

Steve Wang, MSc, UCT, 2021-2023
Defeasible Justification for the KLM Framework
Clayton Baker, MSc (with Distinction), UCT, 2020-2022
An Empirical Investigation for Patterns of Belief Change in Human Reasoning
Guy Paterson-Jones (Co-supervisor: Giovanni Casini), MSc, UCT, 2020-2022
KLM-Style Defeasible Reasoning for Datalog
Jesse Heyninck, Postdoctoral Fellow, UCT, 2021-2022
Dhiresh Thakor Vallabh and Evashna Pillay, Honours Project, UCT, 2022
SCADR2 – Scalable Defeasible Reasoning Version 2
Carl Combrinck and Jaron Cohen, Honours Project, UCT, 2022
MBDR – Model-based Defeasible Reasoning
Abraham Parbhunath (Co-supervisor: Louise Leenen), MIT, UCT, 2018-2021
An analysis of cybersecurity culture in an organisation managing Critical Infrastructure
Rachel Drake (Supervisor: Deshen Moodley), MIT (with distinction), UCT, 2019-2020
A semantic Bayesian network for automated share evaluation on the JSE
Victoria Chama, MSc, UCT, 2018-2020
Explanation for Defeasible Entailment
Julian Chingoma, MSc, UCT, 2018-2020
Enriching deontic logic with typicality
Adam Kaliski, MSc (with distinction), UCT, 2018-2020
An Overview of KLM-Style Defeasible Entailment
Wiebke Toussaint (Supervisor: Deshen Moodley), MSc (with distinction), 2016-2019
Evaluation of Clustering Techniques for Generating Household Energy Consumption Patterns in a Developing Country
Gavin Rens, Claude Leon Postdoctoral Fellow, UCT, 2017-2018
Anesu Marufu, PhD, UCT, 2016-2018
Robust and Cheating-Resilient Power Auctioning on Resource Constrained Smart Micro-grids
Steve Wang, MSc, UCT, 2021-2023
Defeasible Justification for the KLM Framework
Clayton Baker, MSc (with Distinction), UCT, 2020-2022
An Empirical Investigation for Patterns of Belief Change in Human Reasoning
Guy Paterson-Jones (Co-supervisor: Giovanni Casini), MSc, UCT, 2020-2022
KLM-Style Defeasible Reasoning for Datalog
Jesse Heyninck, Postdoctoral Fellow, UCT, 2021-2022
Abraham Parbhunath (Co-supervisor: Louise Leenen), MIT, UCT, 2018-2021
An analysis of cybersecurity culture in an organisation managing Critical Infrastructure
Aidan Bailey, Daniel Park, and Joel Hamilton, Honours Project, UCT, 2021
Scalable Defeasible Reasoning
Emilly Morris and Lloyd Everett, Honours Project, UCT, 2021
Propositional Defeasible Explanation
Rachel Drake (Supervisor: Deshen Moodley), MIT (with distinction), UCT, 2019-2020
A semantic Bayesian network for automated share evaluation on the JSE
Victoria Chama, MSc, UCT, 2018-2020
Explanation for Defeasible Entailment
Julian Chingoma, MSc, UCT, 2018-2020
Enriching deontic logic with typicality
Adam Kaliski, MSc (with distinction), UCT, 2018-2020
An Overview of KLM-Style Defeasible Entailment
Wiebke Toussaint (Supervisor: Deshen Moodley), MSc (with distinction), 2016-2019
Evaluation of Clustering Techniques for Generating Household Energy Consumption Patterns in a Developing Country
Claire Denny, Clayton Baker, and Paul Freund, Honours Project, UCT, 2019
Cognitive Defeasible Reasoning
Matthew Morris and Tala Ross, Honours Project, UCT, 2019
Defeasible Disjunctive Datalog
Pieter Cilliers Pretorius and Solomon Malesa, Honours Project, UCT, 2019
EXPLOG – Explanations in Logic
Gavin Rens, Claude Leon Postdoctoral Fellow, UCT, 2017-2018
Anesu Marufu, PhD, UCT, 2016-2018
Robust and Cheating-Resilient Power Auctioning on Resource Constrained Smart Micro-grids
Blessing Ojeme (Co-supervisor: Audrey Mbogho), PhD, UCT, 2016-2018
Adoption of ICT4D frameworks to support screening for depression in Nigerian universities
Mary-Jane Antia, MIT, UCT, 2016-2018
(Multilingual) Knowledge Representation for Epistemological Access
Leonard Botha (Co-supervisor: Rafael Peñaloza), MSc, UCT, 2016-2018
The Bayesian Description Logic BALC
Elijah Roussos and Luke Neville, Honours Project, UCT, 2018
Implicative Bayesian Networks
Joshua Abraham and Thomas Pownall, Honours Project, UCT, 2018
Defeasible Datalog
Andrew Howe-Ely and Guy Green, UCT, 2018
Propositional Typicality Reasoning (PTR)
Jason Smythe and Jonathon Clark, Honours Project, UCT, 2017
Michael Harrison and Reid Swan, Honours Project, UCT, 2017
Preferential Reasoning for Ontologies
Gavin Rens, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR–UKZN, 2015-2016
Nishal Morar (Supervisor: Aurona Gerber), MSc, UKZN, 2014-2016
Extending Classical Reasoning for Classification Queries over Ontologies
Gavin Wiener, Luke Kingsley Bell, and William Lumala, Honours Project, UCT, 2016
Mobile Onboard Vehicle Event Recorder
Marcel Teixeira, Michael Pepper, and Saleem Manjoo, Honours Project, UCT, 2016
Social Engineering Prevention Training Tool
Giovanni Casini, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR–UP, 2014-2015
Nasubo Ongoma (Co-supervisor: Maria Keet), MSc (with distinction), UKZN, 2014-2015
Formalizing Temporal Attributes in Temporal Conceptual Data Models
Szymon Klarman, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR–UKZN, 2013-2015
Ivan Varzinczak, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR–UKZN, 2011-2015
Kody Moodley (Co-supervisor: Uli Sattler), PhD, UKZN, 2011-2015
Practical Reasoning for Defeasible Description Logics
Giovanni Casini, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR–UKZN, 2012-2014
Gavin Rens (Co-supervisor: Gerhard Lakemeyer), PhD, UKZN, 2010-2014
Formalisms for Agents Reasoning with Stochastic Actions and Perceptions
Ivan Varzinczak, Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIR, 2008-2011
Kevin Lee (Supervisor: Norman Foo), PhD, UNSW, 2005-2012
Inconsistency Management for Description Logics
Kody Moodley (Co-supervisor: Deshen Moodley), MSc (with distinction), UKZN, 2009-2011
Debugging and Repair of Description Logic Ontologies
Riku Nortjé (Supervisor: Arina Britz), MSc (with distinction, and recipient of the Council Platinum Award), UNISA, 2009-2011
Module Extraction for Inexpressive Description Logics
Gibson Chimamiwa (Supervisor: Aurona Gerber), MSc, UNISA, 2008-2011
Using Ontologies to Semantify a Web Information Portal
Ka-Shu Wong (Supervisor: Norman Foo), PhD, UNSW, 2005-2009
Anne Cregan (Supervisor: Norman Foo), PhD, UNSW, 2004-2008
Weaving the Semantic Web
Zhiqiang Zhuang (Supervisor: Maurice Pagnucco), MSc, UNSW, 2005-2006
Belief Change Under the Horn Fragment of Propositional Logic
Tanya van der Vyver, MSc (with distinction), UNISA, 1998-1999
Modal Logics